
The Use Of Creative Art For A Social Work Setting With Clients With The Skills And Tools Necessary Properly

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Paul Roberts UNIV 4995 August 2, 2015 Research Problem Description Social workers strive to empower their clients with the skills and tools necessary properly process and utilize the environment around them. However, instances occur when effective communication on behalf of the client is not possible. In this type of situation, the use adaption of art therapy in a social work setting with clients who have limited verbalization skills and lack the ability to adequately express their emotions due to a disability or traumatic event will become necessary. A lack of effective communication is often observed in clients suffering from the effects of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder also know as PTSD. The effects of this …show more content…

Symptoms of PTSD are also observed in patients with histories of long term exposure to ongoing traumatic events. Many times it is difficult for an observer to pinpoint the traumatic triggering event of PTSD due to the disorders nature. “The diagnosis of delayed-onset PTSD is one in which the symptoms do not manifest until a time period of greater than six months since the termination of the traumatic event has occurred” (Utzon-Frank et al., 2014). This condition is most often observed in soldiers that have experienced first-hand the traumatic and horrifying events of war. According to the Nebraska Department of Veteran 's Affairs, “About 30 percent of the men and women who have spent time in war zones experience PTSD” (“What is PTSD”,2007). However clients that have been exposed to military service or combat are not the only people effected by this condition. According to an article written by Ozer and Weis, somewhere between 5-10% of Americans have suffered from PTSD during their lifetime. (Ozer & Weis, Aug 2004). Many factors, such as physical assault, sexual assault, child abuse and exposure to traumatic events are all noted as influencing factors of this disorder. People who were exposed to ongoing events such as physical abuse, sexual abuse, neglect or natural disaster will often develop symptoms of PTSD. Although it is not always the case, Foa & Riggs (1995) argue that many times victims of assault will a show symptoms and effects of PTSD. The issue of

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