
The Various Views of Nature from Wordswoth, Coleridge and Shelly

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The Romantic Era of poets in the nineteenth century marked a change from earlier thinking of Enlightenment. Before the nineteenth century people saw nature as a symbol of scientific principals, or an arrangement of symbols of the universe. By contrast, Romantic poets viewed nature as a symbol of God. Poets often use nature as an inspiration for their work. Poets such as Wordswoth, Coleridge and Shelly all found different ways to symbolize nature in there poetry by finding some sort of inspiration from scenes of nature and used it to express their feelings and emotions. In the poem Tintern Abbey, by William Wordsworth, nature is used very clearly by the poet. It starts with the poet’s statement that fivers years have gone by that he has last visited his current destination where is has came across its tranquil, country scenery, and heard the sounds of the water from the river. He recites the items he sees again, and describes their outcome upon him: the “steep and loft cliffs” (line 5) impress upon him “thoughts of more deep seclusion” (line 7), as he is under a dark sycamore tree while looking at the orchard trees with unripe fruit on the cottage-grounds. He sees the “wreaths of smoke” (line 17) in between the trees coming out of the cottage chimneys. Wordsworth then described how his reminiscence of these “beauteous forms” (line 23) has made him remember his absence from them: when he was by himself, or when he was in crowded cities and towns, they provided him with

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