
The Veldt Response

Decent Essays

In the story The Veldt, by Ray Bradbury, I think that the kids are to blame for the parent’s death. The reason I think this is because the parents aren’t the ones who made the kids vile and destructive. The parents only wanted to give their kids the best possible life, as do all parents. But the kids were the ones who took the access to technology and turned it into an unhealthy obsession. They abused the power of their niche, and began to exercise violent tendencies within the room. I assume the parents didn’t know how threatening the nursery would become. They would’ve trusted their kids to only want to use it for a fun virtual reality experience, and they couldn’t have known that the technology would make their kids baneful. The first …show more content…

This kind of depression can lead to attempted suicides, according to the article. If it can lead to that, then it could also lead to murders, explaining why the kids killed their parents, while proving that they got themselves so addicted to the technology that they developed a serious mental disease. The parents didn’t force them to use the the playroom technology, in fact, they wanted them to shorten their time, but the kids …show more content…

Even as cruel as they were, their ‘tech addiction’ is easy to relate for many children and teenagers nowadays. Often I will find myself working on my homework or playing a video game when my mom calls me to dinner. If I am doing homework, I usually don’t want to go to dinner because I would instead want to finish my work. But even though I know that food is more valuable than, for example, an exciting video game, I still find the appeal of the game more enticing than a necessary human function. This is clearly ridiculous, but it is now a more common thing than ever due to the advances in technology that make it seem more pressing than staying healthy. To fix this problem and prevent a reality similar to the story, I conclude that we need to teach kids more healthy way to go about using their tech. For example, if you’re like me and occasionally find games or another form of technology use more attractive than basic human needs and functions, then you should consider finding a hobby that is more alluring than even video games. Of course you wouldn’t be able to replace tech use all together, but you could find a better way to invest your time than always staring at a screen. Perhaps if Wendy and Peter had been able to find something healthier to spend their time on, they might not have become so possessive of the

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