
The Viewpoints of Stephen Crane and His Novel Maggie: A Girl on the Streets

Decent Essays

“[E]nvironment is a tremendous thing in the world, and frequently shapes lives regardless.” (“Although it’s origins…”) Stephen Crane was influenced to write his 1893 novella, Maggie: A Girl of the Streets, as a result of his religious family, the secrecy to publish a novel that reveals the reality and impurity of the real world and from the impact of needy, urban landscapes that ended realism and began naturalism.

Beginning in the early years of Stephen Crane’s life, he was the last son of thirteen other siblings. Being raised by a Methodist family on both sides, Stephan’s parents focused a lot of their time writing religious articles. He also had two brother’s that were journalist, one working as a reporter. Growing up with several …show more content…

“[A] manner or technique of treating subject matter that presents, through volume of detail, a deterministic view of human life and actions.” ( Naturalism is defined as a word and type of literature Crane uses in the novella, Maggie. In order to avoid proper names along with pronouns in specific scenes, Crane uses a naturalistic device as a tendency. This throws the reader off-balance conveying a pure( documentary explanation. In this naturalistic work of literature, there is an unusual occurrence where the appearance of Maggie seems as if it's a miraculous event. Someone outside of nature. (“Death is treated...”)

As the literary movement of realism ended, naturalism began and this was when Cranes novella was written. Naturalism is strongly associated with realism, although naturalism is more than a literary technique that involves

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