
The Westies: The Spillane's Murder Case

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The Westies were an Irish neighborhood mob based in Hell’s Kitchen. While the Westside gang developed from the criminal efforts of Mickey Spillane in the 1960s, they became the Westies under the leadership of James Coonan, who usurped the position immediately before Spillane’s murder in 1977. Under Coonan, the Westies became the brutal enforcement tool of the Gambino crime family, and began to fall apart after the members began turning on one another in the late 1980s.
The United States Senate Special Committee to Investigate Crime in Interstate Commerce, popularly known as the Kefauver Committee after its chairman, Senator Estes Kefauver, investigated organized crime which crossed state lines. It operated between 1950 and 1951 and finally …show more content…

Even though Spillane had moved to Woodside, Queens and, without his lieutenants, had no direct input in the operations of Hell’s Kitchen, Spillane was murdered – allegedly as a favor to Coonan by the Gambino crime family – as a favor to Coonan on May 13, 1977. This murder was quickly followed by that of Charles “Ruby” Stein, a loan shark for whom Coonan had worked.
Having set himself up as head of the West Side mob, Coonan’s “Westies” soon began to collaborate with the Gambino crime family. The Westies would provide kickbacks from their gambling and loan sharking rackets, and in exchange would garner some protection and a cut of other criminal enterprises on the West Side.
While the Westies and the Mafia worked together, the Westies was a gang comprising fewer than twenty men, most of whom engaged in blue-collar labor, as opposed to the sophisticated criminal syndicate of the Italian families. They carried out contract killings for the Gambino family, and this violence carried over into the way they conducted private business. In 1975, Dennis Curley was killed by Westie Paddy Dugan after a friendly fight devolved into a brawl. Coonan and another gang member, Edward Cuminsky, killed Dugan out of revenge. Cuminsky was shot in a bar a year …show more content…

When Harold Whitehead called a friend of Coonan and Featherstone’s a “fag” in a bar in 1978, one witness committed suicide rather than testify and another refused to speak at all.
In 1979, Coonan and Featherstone were arrested after tipping a masseuse with counterfeit bills. Coonan was found to possess a gun with an illegal silencer, and Featherstone was convicted of counterfeiting. Featherstone was sentenced for six years to the Medical Center for Federal Prisoners on the psychiatric ward, while Coonan was sentenced to four years in federal prison. Coonan continued to control the Westies from prison, and when he was paroled in September of 1984, Coonan followed the other gang members to New Jersey, where they had been displaced by the gentrification of Hell’s Kitchen.
Coonan attempted to turn legitimate by investing in a construction company called Marine Contractors in Tarrytown, NY. Featherstone, on the other hand, although working for a trucking company, apparently took the opportunity to avenge a long-past shooting death of one of the gang’s members. In 1977, John Bokun had been murdered; the Westies held Michael Holly responsible, but Holly fled Manhattan for several years before returning. Holly was shot and killed by a man matching Featherstone’s description on April 25,

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