
The Wife of Bath Essay

Decent Essays

THE WIFE OF BATH In the “Wife of Bath’s Prologue,” she begins her introduction by telling the other pilgrims that she has experience because she has been married five time. She believes more in experience rather than in written authority (that is , in texts written by men). The Wife of Bath argues with virginity: “Where can ye saye in any manere age that hye God defended mariage by expres word? I praye you, telleth me. Or Where comanded he virginitee?” [Norton,118] She asks where in the bible is virginity commanded? If God condemned virginity, there would be no children, and no population: “For hadde God comanded maidenhede, Thanne hadde he dampned wedding with the deede; And certes, if there were no seed ysowe, Virginitee, …show more content…

It is strange to me to see how a woman of the fourteenth century was able to act the way she did. Back then, women had no rights; they had arranged marriages; and they could not say anything about it. Men were superior and dominated women. The way the Wife of Bath acted in the fourteenth century is more the way the women act today in the twentieth century

Historical Background

Women of the twentieth century are very different from their fourteenth century counterparts. The fourteenth century women were primarily housewives. They stayed home and took care of the children and the house. They had the responsibility of raising the children, cleaning, cooking and working. The women also took care of the farm. Essentially, the woman worked and lived as a slave. Woman during this period were mainly uneducated; they were not allowed to go to school. Only men who had money were able to educate themselves. During the fourteenth century the boys were favored more than the girls. The boy always had to protect the mother and other siblings if anything happened to the father. The man of the family always wanted a son who could one day carry the family name. Many marriages were arranged in the fourteenth century,to increase status and wealth. For example the king would marry a princess. Marriages were arranged according to status. If there was a problem in the marriage, no divorces were allowed. If the woman did something that

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