
The World In Six Glasses Analysis

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"The History of The World In Six Glasses" by Tom standage links beer,wine,spirits,coffee,tea and coca-cola, the six most important drinks discovered throughout human history, to impacting events that became known symbols to various nations and the history of humankind Our nomadic ancestors survived by hunting and gathering this meant they had to migrate from place to place to follow their prey,this was until 12,000 years ago when they discovered farming and its benefits along with this they discovered the unusual qualities of some of their crops. The grains they grew produced a substance that they began to consume in everything, They Had discovered Beer.In the aincient cultures of Egypt and Mesopotamia beer was defenetly an impacting drink, everyone who was anyone in any social class and …show more content…

As colonization began in different continents colonist used the drink to get them through the torments of the new world. Rum may even be responsible for the start if the independence movement of America. Hard liquor played a role in the economy,trade,spread of technology and disease along with other ties to history. Whiskey became a symbol of triumph and freedom because everyone of all ages drank it. Then came the enlightenment period where ideas and new philosophies were being spread and shared, Coffee was introduced as a drink that sharpened and cleared the mind.Coffee was associated with intellectuals and the modern world. Coffee was an alternative to alcoholic beverages, "anti-alcohol" some may even say, coffee became very popular in London where many coffee houses rose,these coffee houses encouraged the sharing of new philosophies,politics, and many debates.Coffee made an impact on comerce and was very welcomed in the 18th

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