
The World Order 's And Private Institution

Decent Essays

Over 20 percent of the global population live in unsustainable impoverished conditions, surviving on less than a dollar a day, with approximately 50 percent living on less than two dollars. Over 2 ½ billion people have a 10% infant mortality rate versus the 0.006% of infant deaths in developed countries. As conditions worsen the poor-rich gap widens through progressive decades, reaching an average per capita income of 74:1 in 1997. A debate has emerged as the whether developed countries possess a duty to ameliorate the living condition of the global poor and on what grounds said duty is justified. This inquiry prompts an ethical analysis of the world order’s role, as well as individual institutions role in worsening or failing to improve …show more content…

Finally, I will critically analyze and disprove the counter argument, which attempts to relieve us of the aforementioned duties, by discrediting the roles of institutions and the developed in prolongation of impoverishment. Elements of Pogge’s philosophical argument will also be addressed, though the overall arguments of this paper take a differentiated approach in justifying the acceptance of Western Society’s obligation to the global poor. There exists a global order that proclaims its primary purpose is to facilitate cooperation between rich and poor nations. The presence of said order creates an uneven distribution of advantage among nations, an imbalance sometimes thought to be the result of an array of independent factors. Mathias Risse suggests the global order harms third world nations through Uncompensated Exclusion; where privileged countries are given several advantages over the worse-off in regards to natural resources. Here the benefits of the impoverished are minimal. This defies the moral rule of Egalitarian Ownership, which describes all natural resources as belonging to all humankind. By denying the global poor an equal portion of natural resources during international commerce the order violates their people’s human right to “a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of oneself and one’s family, including food, clothing, housing and

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