
The Wreath Ceremony

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Honor Among Men It would be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for me to not only witness the laying of the wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier but to participate in this extremely important ceremony. This experience would be invaluable. Located in the most honored cemetery in the country, this tomb is visited by the President himself, who often attends to participate in the Wreath Ceremony. The Wreath Ceremony represents the beauty and shortness of life and recalls memories of the unknown. The tomb represents about 95,000 American soldiers. However, unlike their fellow soldiers, these fallen soldiers from World Wars I and II, the Korean War, and the Vietnam War remain unrecognized, which is engraved the tomb: “Here rests in honored glory an American soldier known but to God.” Our inability to recognize these soldiers individually does not decrease our respect for them in any way. Instead, it magnifies the soldiers’ loyalty to our country and their mission: freedom for all.
Though the right to “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” is guaranteed in the United States …show more content…

People often move past deaths without considering their meaning. Especially in the case of each soldier, it is important to acknowledge each person’s life journey, including their goals, accomplishments, and values. Through reflection, we can truly respect the soldiers. They died for their cause with the purest motivations and without regard for recognition. The tradition of the Wreath Ceremony must never disappear because, as we reflect upon the lives of these unsung heroes, we are also showing the highest level of respect for these soldiers. Through my complete understanding of the meaning of the Wreath Ceremony as well as my own personal connection to the soldiers’ selfless fight for freedom, I believe that I would be the best person to participate in the Wreath Ceremony and honor our unknown

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