
The Yellow Wallpaper

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In “The Yellow wallpaper”, the wallpaper is a metaphor that expresses women’s protest against the repression of her society personal identity at the rise of feminism. Especially in the nineteenth century, women were kept down and kept in line by their married men as well as other male influences. "The Yellow Wallpaper", written By Charlotte Perkins Gilman, is a tale of a woman, her psychological difficulties and her husbands so called therapeutic treatment ‘rest cure’ of her depression during the late 1800s. The tale starts out in the summer with a young woman and her husband travelling for the healing powers of being out from writing, which only appears to aggravate her condition. His delusion gets Jane, trapped in a room, shut up in a bed …show more content…

She understands that she also is trapped like the woman in the wallpaper behind the bars and wants to get away from it. One night, she attempts to remove the paper off of the wall, biting and scratching at it in an attempt to set free the woman in wallpaper, thinking that she is finally free from the imprisonment which her husband accepted her in. She thinks that she is unrestricted from all these troubles. By getting behind the wallpaper down, the narrator defines how she has overcome the illness and was courageous enough to face all the torture and appear herself freely into a new …show more content…

The Yellow Wallpaper presents a real interesting perspective of how a man can tempt and contain a woman's life from a feminist point of opinion. The protagonist ailment is treated by the unresponsive husband as a personal issue that can be handled. Just as a physical disease must be identified and treated, a mental disorder must be worried for. Evidently, any person lonely in a room with yellow wallpaper would be obsessed to insanity. Understandably, the “Rest Cure” prescribed by John and other males close to her was ineffective. The lack of stimulation and society engagement allowed the mental disorder to grow and overtake the narrator’s head. The tortured mind of the protagonist is exemplified through the interaction between her and the yellow wallpaper. Her altering explanations of what the wallpaper holds within it shows the disturbing changes occurring within the protagonist’s mind. At first, she merely watches the paper as revolting and unpleasing to the optic. Afterwards, she finds patterns on it and causes the delusion of a woman trapped behind

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