
The Yellow Wallpaper Analysis

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The stigma of mental health is one that has been around for many years and still persists in modern society. According to The Oxford Dictionary, stigma is defined as “A mark of disgrace associated with a particular circumstance, quality, or person”. In regards to mental health, it means that people within the past and current times look upon someone with a mental illness as something is wrong with them. This stigma is also expressed in literature. It depends on the story the author is writing and how they want to depict mental illness. Two specific pieces of literature that can express the stigma through the differences and the similarities of the books are Girl, Interrupted by Susanna Kaysen and “The Yellow Wallpaper” by Charlotte Stetson. …show more content…

“The Yellow Wallpaper” can continue the stereotypes that people might have. This can happen because people can believe that someone who has a mental illness has to be confined, cannot take care of themself, and will progressively become worse. Also, this can cause the reader to think that mental illnesses will lead to someone not being able to handle themselves and that a person is not a reliable person. However, Girl, Interrupted dispels some of these stereotypes. It does this through discussing the relations between people in the ward, the good and the bad parts, and showing how Kaysen handles her illness. These depictions are increasingly significant because though the one tale propels the stigma of mental health, there are representations that help to go against the stigma of mental …show more content…

The representation of this social control is important because it is a part of history. These stories express the truth that happened to many people in the past. People saw young adults not following the stereotypical path for someone their age and believed there to be something wrong with that person. This perpetuates the stigma of mental health since it becomes thought that having a mental health issue means you are in someway engaging in life activities in an abnormal way. The person has not done what, by looking at them, should have been done. Overall, this example shows how the social control of women in the past relates to the stigma of mental

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