
The Yellow Wallpaper Analysis

Decent Essays

In Gilman’s story The Yellow Wall-paper, we have a narrator, who is nameless who is telling us how she is brought to a house by her husband John, who is a doctor because he is trying to treat her insanity and depression. John leaves his wife in the house all day, in this room with the yellow wall-paper; he never lets her go outside. The narrator in her journal is writing down what the house is like, and what the room is like and she describes the room as having a bad smell to it, almost like a yellow smell. The narrator describes to us how she sees a woman in the yellow wall paper moving around and the narrator says, When the narrator says this it makes you really wonder if she is going insane because how can there be a person trapped inside …show more content…

What I believe has happened is that John has fainted because he has found out that his wife has just removed all of the wall-paper off of the wall and his probably in shock because he thought that his wife was getting better. The unnamed narrator has truly gone insane because she is tearing down the wall-paper because she actually believes that there is a woman behind it trying to escape, so she decides to free her. I also think that the wall-paper color and the smell where bothering her so much that she decided that she could not look at it anymore and her only option was to tear it down. The narrator probably became insane from being in the same room day in and night out staring at the same thing over and over. When Gilman says, I think she is saying that the narrator finally escaped from her husband and was able to walk away from that room forever and in doing so she leaves him on the floor and walks around …show more content…

In “The Yellow Wall-Paper” the narrator seems to be suffering from insanity and depression and in “The Other Two” the little girl in the novel is sick with typhoid. I thought the readings that were assigned for this week were easy to understand, I found “The Yellow Wall-Paper to be a little creepy and dark, almost like an Edgar Allen Poe novel. Charlotte Perkins Gilman uses a lot of imagery in her short story to allow the reader the ability to picture the yellow wall-paper, the image of the women being trapped in the smell, and we can use our sense of smell to imagine what the room smelled like. In “The Yellow Wall-Paper I noticed how John is in control of his wife, he does not allow her to leave the house or the room and get a job because he feels that she will get better if she stays inside all day. The narrator has no say in her marriage; John is the only one that seems to be able to make any decisions for himself and his wife. When reading the background information on Gilman it discussed how after she gave birth to her daughter she began to have marriage problems with her husband and she became depressed and in “The Yellow Wall-Paper” the narrator is having marriage problems with her husband and

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