
The Yellow Wallpaper Feminist Analysis Essay

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“The Yellow Wallpaper,” written by Charlotte Perkins Gilman, is an eerie tale of a woman named Jane and her physician husband John spending the summer in a long forgotten house in order for the woman to recover from a “nervous depression.” The house was in fact previously an asylum, and the bedroom with barred windows, chains in the walls and a nailed down bed is decorated with a horrid and mysterious yellow wallpaper. The short story, published in 1892, draws from draws from Perkins Gilman's personal experiences and makes a number of statements about the state of the world through different interpretations. It can be read differently through a Marxist lens and through a feminist lens. When the text is read through a feminist lens, an emphasis is placed on the roles and …show more content…

The woman behind shakes it!" The woman in the wallpaper attempts to escape and break her limitations, much like Jane does by shredding the wallpaper and causing John to faint at the end of the story. Through the feminist lens, the woman in the wallpaper represents Jane’s feelings of being trapped within the constraints of marriage and a desire to escape her overbearing husband. Throughout the story, Jane is constantly writing how she wishes that John would leave her to recover on her own, but John takes away her autonomy by refusing to listen to her needs, insisting that he knows her better than she knows herself. Additionally, John tells Jane that she is “his darling and his comfort and all he had,” and that Jane must get well “for his sake.” This may sound endearing and thoughtful, and John doesn’t say these things with ill intentions, but far too often are women told that they exist for others, men in particular. Women--and mentally ill women, in this instance--exist on their own terms, and their recovery must be at their own pace, for themselves and not dictated by anyone

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