
Their Eyes Were Watching God Character Analysis

Decent Essays

Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston is a novel of a person coming into divinity. Through Janie’s tribulations, the reader sees her grow into her own person while gaining power along the way. She becomes connected to nature and disconnected from people. Comparatively to her husbands, whose brashness and force lead them to fall from grace. In their attempt to become divine beings, Janie achieves divinity. Logan Killicks, Janie’s first husband, is a failed attempt at the attempt to achieve divinity. He does not get as far as Janie’s future husbands, since he is not able to gain any control over Janie. He attempts to be loving and caring, but when that fails he falls unto belittling Janie. He is in a constant state of being unassured of his position with Janie. His being unassured is his fall, which the reader never sees because Janie is not there. Jody, who is her second husband, strains to achieve power. He begins to demonstrate wants to be a divine being when he moves into Eatonville. After …show more content…

After buying land for the town, he builds a store and post office to hold town meetings and does all the talking at the assemblies. He sells his land to newcomers, deciding in who gets to stay in the town. Through his control, the townspeople become jealous of Jody’s wealth, his hubris indicates that he will fall instead of rising above his station. Jody’s forceful grasp of control becomes his undoing, notably from Janie. By controlling Janie, she begins to fight back within herself, against Jodie. In chapter six, his saving the mule is to appease Janie, but fails as she cannot part-take in the festivities with the townspeople. His kindness is through money, Jody can see that Janie is slipping from him and taking the mule is the only way to have her back under his control. The comparison of him with Abraham Lincoln, freeing the slaves, encourages his

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