
Theme Of Beauty In Mary Shelley's Frankenstein

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One thing about the monster Victor Frankenstein created is certain: It is hideous. So hideous even that though he has good intentions he gets shunned by society. Due to his ugliness, he has trouble finding a mate and even goes on a murderous rampage in the end which is followed by his suicide. Is the monster driven to this terrible fate by society or is it someone or even something else? In the following, this paper will look at the concept of beauty in Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, and how it influences the monster as well as society in general. Because of the rejection he experiences, it can be stated that society is responsible for the monster’s misfortune. Humans often associate beauty with good qualities. A study by Dion, Berscheid and Walster from 1972 found that “what is …show more content…

in Grammer et al. 388). There also has been a link between attractiveness and grades, where attractive students are favored. Grammer also states, that unattractive people receive more or even a harsher punishment for their misdeeds (388). So maybe Bloom was right when he said, “a beautiful ‘monster’, or even a passable one, would not have been a monster” (Bloom 6). In Frankenstein beauty is often linked to good qualities. Elizabeth is described as a beautiful woman and her beauty is linked to her personality in chapter one: “Her person was the image of her mind; her hazel eyes […] possessed an attractive softness” (Shelley 20). In chapter 5, Justine is described as “extremely pretty” as well as clever and gentle, which might also be a link between the described qualities of beauty and her character (42). In chapter 8, the monster finds a portrait of a woman on the dead body of William. He sees her beauty and is astonished by it, but his admiration quickly

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