
Theme Of Beauty In The Bluest Eye

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ATTENTION GRABBER. Relates to thesis, tie in main points. Beauty and failure of acceptance are central themes in the lives of women throughout The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison. Firstly, even though the girls in this novel are scarcely in the double digits, they still have a defined idea of beauty. Pecola Breedlove is a eleven-year-old black girl who is, from day one, deemed to a fate of ugliness. Every night she sits in front of her mirror, wishing away her dark skin and brown eyes, willing herself to either change or disappear. “It had occurred to Pecola some time ago that...if those eyes of hers were different, that is to say, beautiful, she herself would be different” (46). Pecola is routinely mocked and neglected by the people in her life. Her self image is tarnished with every step she takes, whether she is going to school, innocently stopping at a store, or heading home. On these walks, Pecola discovers something that she comes to relate with. “Dandelions. A dart of affection leaps out from her to them. But they do not look at her and they do not send love back. She thinks ‘They are ugly. They are weeds.’” Dandelions symbolize Pecola’s ugliness and the affection she does not receive because of it. Most people pick out dandelions and cast them aside. Pecola’s case is not different. She is disregarded by almost all of her peers unless they are bullying her and unwanted by her alcoholic father and Jesus-crazed mother. At this point in her life, all she wants is to be

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