
Theme Of Change In Segu, By Maryse Conde

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The year is 1797 and we are in the heart of Segu located in West Africa and unforeseen change are arriving on the horizon. In the novel Segu, by Maryse Conde we explore an empire at its height on the brink of drastic change and conflict. In this Historical fiction novel Conde introduces the major theme of change, which is brought about through the spread of foreign religions, the rise of the slave trade, and the death of traditional ways in Segu. These major themes are conveyed through the use of the use of the Traore family and their four sons Tiekoro, Siga, Naba, and Malobi who each represent a form of change in Segu. In the novel Conde takes the readers on a trip experiencing average life in West Africa as we follow each of the fours sons journeys to make a new name for themselves. Conde gives many subtle themes and thoughts on segu and its downfall but mostly sets up the novel in a way that allows the reader to gather perspective on life in segu and form their own argument and contention.

Conde begins her novel in the mist of family conflict as Dousike as the kings trusted advisor is sentenced to the royal palace of segu. Here we find out a fellow counselor to the king named Samake, Dousikas arch enemy has devised a plot to oust Dousike from power. Rumors are spread throughout the inner circle about Dousika who has married a slave who has beared him a child, this leads to doubt within the kings circle causing Dousika to be ousted from government. This outstation

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