
Theme Of Fire In The Road

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Light. Warmth. Danger. Destruction. Divinity. Survival. Love. Hope. In McCarthy’s The Road, “fire” is a symbol of many things and not only those mentioned. Throughout the novel we are told that the father and the son are the “good guys” because they are “carrying the fire” (pp. 87, 136 ). It is mainly the son the one who has the fire inside him, but we do not really realize what it makes reference to. Nonetheless, in this paper I will try to give a broad compilation of the symbols that we can attach to this element within Cormac McCarthy’s novel, The Road. Fire might be a double-edged sword. To begin with, it is fire which has brought the world to that situation, for everything around the father and the son is completely burnt and they are making their way through ashes. Here we see fire as an unpredictable and destructive force. However, …show more content…

I agree with Rambo when she states that “We’re carrying the fire” is a “statement of mission. […] the father has given their journey purpose” (2008:104). They have to keep on walking south because someone is waiting for them, waiting for the fire they are carrying. At the end of the novel, when the father is about to die, he says to his son that he cannot stay with him because he has to carry the fire he has inside him (298) – that is his mission; he is the most necessary element in a world where necessity is all around. Therefore this makes me question whether “carrying the fire” is only an illusion the father has created, an excuse to keep on walking and forgetting what they are leaving behind. As we are going to see next, the boy is the man’s last hope. The man is only living in order to save his son’s life and if the man dies, nothing will remain for the boy to continue fighting, thus the man has to give him a purpose, a mission – to keep on carrying the fire. What would become of us if we did not provide our lives with a goal, with a reason to carry

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