
Theme Of Foreshadowing In Fahrenheit 451

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Books are such a common part of the world today. They are read for leisure, for school work, for learning purposes, and so much more. That is why it is weird to imagine a world without them. However, that is what type of world exists in the novel Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury. In this dystopian story, books are not allowed to be possessed or read, and if anyone possesses books, they have to be burned by firemen. The story follows a fireman named Guy Montag as he changes over time, going from loving his job burning books, to rebelling against the rules and wanting to read books. The novel ends in him escaping the city, where war breaks out, and joining a clan of men who are working to change the rules and eventually bring books back. Foreshadowing is used in Fahrenheit 451 to preview important events and build up suspense three major times: when Clarisse McClellan asks Montag if he is happy, when Montag stares at the ventilator grill in his house, and when the Mechanical Hound at the firehouse is hostile towards Montag. The foreshadowing that is shown first in the story is when Clarisse McClellan, Montag’s neighbor, simply asks him the question “Are you happy?”. When Montag is on his way home from his job one night, he runs into Clarisse, whom he meets and has a conversation with. She asks him many questions that seem random and silly to him, but the one she asked him last what was threw Montag off the most. He was shocked that this young girl asked if he was happy. That

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