
Theme Of Individuality In To Kill A Mockingbird

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Individuality cannot exist without society - although every person has their own personality, their own beliefs and thoughts, whichever society they live in manages to impose its own stamp. Good afternoon. the characters of boo radley and Seth wearing are both impacted in both negative and positive ways. they eventually withdraw from society altogether, but their interaction as individuals within a society encompass themes of prejudice and acceptance. boo radley is a major character in the book “to kill a mockingbird” who is initially regarded as a local myth in which stories circulate among both adults and children alike, due to the fact the he remains inside his house. According to the Maycomb norm, this is enough to pass judgement on him. however, as the book progresses, we come to realise …show more content…

the book begins with Seth committing suicide and waking up in what seems to be his own personal hell. as the book progresses, we become aware that Seth used to have an unhappy home life with a disabled brother, depressed father and a detached mother, both of which placing more importance on his brother, and blamed his brother’s disability on him. as well as this, he faced bullying due to being homosexual, and that all his friends have betrayed him in one way or another. as Seth journeys around in what seems to be hell, he discovers that he has merely entered the real world – the world he had been living in prior to his suicide was online. after this startling discovery, he recalls that his family decided to live in this online world as his younger brother, Owen, had been murdered and neither of his parents could deal with this fact – therefore they created a virtual version of Owen and lived in ignorance. Seth faces a lack of acceptance from everybody in his society, from his family, his friends, and strangers that judge

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