
Theme Of Lack Of Knowledge In Fahrenheit 451

Decent Essays

Lack of Knowledge, Loss of Life Characters progress through a story by making realizations and hopefully changing for the better. In Part 1 of Fahrenheit 451, by Ray Bradbury, Montag begins the novel enjoying his job, but a series of events make him realize he hates his life and must find a way to change it. Through a series of events, meeting Clarisse, watching the old woman burn, and getting visited by Captain Beatty, Montag decides he is unhappy and must change his life. The first event which helps Montag decide he must change his life is meeting Clarisse. In the beginning of Part 1 when Montag meets Clarisse, Montag talks to her. She asks him, “Are you happy” (Bradbury 7) Montag feels like he has met a real person instead of a sad, lonely,

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