
Theme Of Loneliness In Of Mice And Men

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“Guys like us...are the loneliest guys in the world”(Steinbeck 15). Loneliness as a common feeling by the millions of migrant workers all over the United States during the Great Depression. John Steinbeck’s Of Mice and Men, set in this era, depicts a story of loneliness within an old man named Candy; a young woman known as Curley’s Wife; and a discriminated African American named Crooks, on a barely farm in California. The ranch is filled with migrant workers, but two stick out more than all the others. George and Lennie have a dream for their future, and they plan plan to pursue their own land. Together they support each other while still surrounded by a sea of broken and isolated souls. The theme of loneliness is revealed in the novella Of Mice and Men through the isolation felt by Steinbeck's characters. In chapter three, an older migrant worker called Candy explains to George how he lost his hand on the ranch and was compensated with a “swampin’” job and 250 dollars. Because of Candy’s older age, readers can infer that he has outlived many of his friend and family members; consequently, Candy feels all alone and longs to find a “family” before he dies. Knowing that Candy doesn’t have any remaining family help the audience understand why he struggled so much with Carlson’s proposal to end his dog’s suffering: “I had him so long. Had him since he was a pup…You wouldn't think it to look at him know, but he was the best damn sheep dog I ever seen”(44). And moments later

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