
Theme Of Love In The Great Gatsby

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Love in the Great Gatsby To really appreciate The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald, you have to read the book yourself. Fitzgerald provides twists and turns that you can’t understand till you reread the book. Many details we don’t catch since Fitzgerald hides them very well. A lot of details are about love and who loves who. In the book, Fitzgerald provides evidence to questions like “What is love?”, “Does money buy love?”, and “Who is even in love” in this novel. Love is taking a bullet for someone. You adore them and spoil them every day no matter what they or what others say. When you love someone, it only matters what you think and not anyone else. You would do anything just to make them happy. This is love. Gatsby did exactly this for his love, Daisy. Even though Daisy isn’t his wife, he would do anything for her in a heartbeat, like take blame for killing someone. “”Was Daisy driving?”’ “‘Yes,” he said after a moment, “‘but of course I’ll say I was”’ (Gatsby 151). Gatsby took the blame for killing Myrtle Wilson who was having an affair with Tom Buchanan, Daisy’s husband. Daisy’s opinions matters to Gatsby. When he gave her a tour of his house for the first time, he is nervous to what she thinks. “I think he revalued everything in his house according …show more content…

There are quite a few characters in love, but the person they are in love with doesn't return the feelings. In this book, there is a love triangle. It starts with Nick Carraway, the author, who is in love with Gatsby. Then Gatsby loves Daisy. Daisy loves money. The only person who can really get what they want is Daisy since she married Tom who has lots of money. But Daisy isn’t necessarily happy with all this money. She feels like she is missing something which is affection. She gets this from both Tom and Gatsby but Tom is cheating on her and Gatsby would do anything for her. Many characters show feeling for one another, yet none of them are in love with one

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