
Theme Of Madness In The Crucible

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The Crucible In every community there is evil, every evil is capable of making madness in a community. In the novel “ The Crucible” by Arthur Miller, it portrays the idea of evil in the character Abigail Williams. It is evident with close examination of the text that Abigail’s unrelenting lust, spitefulness, and remorselessness is main contributed to the madness in Salem. Abigail’s uncontrollable lust for John consumes her mind with the idea that John Proctor's love is all hers. Abigail meets John Proctor and tells him that he is always in her mind. “John - I am waitin’ for you every night.” (Miller 21). Abigail is lusting for John as she is waiting for him every night. She can't get John off her mind and thinks she is in love. In one scene John Proctor meets up with Abigail alone. Abigail tells John that she can still see the love for her in his face. “I know how you clutched my back behind your house and sweated like a stallion when I came near; or did I dream that? It's she put me out, you cannot pretend it were you. I saw your face when she put me, and you loved me then and you do now!” ( Miller 21). Abigail tells John how she can tell John was upset that Goody Proctor fired her. She also tells him that he loves her just as much as he lusted for her when he had the affair. Abigail is lusting for John and wants him to be with her. Looking closely at the dialogue and action in the play the audience can plainly see Abigail's spitefulness as she tries to cause harm to

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