
Theme Of Marriage In Pride And Prejudice

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Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice, despite being written epochs ago, still resonates within the hearts of contemporary readers today. Pride and Prejudice has been adapted into films due to its immense popularity. Joe Wright’s 2005 rendition starring Keira Knightly and Gurrinder Chadha’s Bollywood interpretation explore the universally acknowledged writing of Jane Austen, both having different approaches to depicting the setting, characterisation, thematic concerns and storytelling, yet both are successful at maintaining Pride and Prejudice’s aura of marriage, social class, and vanity.
In Austen’s Pride and Prejudice, inadequate time is spent on the description of the setting and in the beginning we are simultaneously bombarded with the gossip of ‘a young man of large fortune’ occupying the prestigious and lavish Netherfield Park. The austere social structure stands out in the opening, and we grasp its outlook on the importance of marriage. Wright’s adaptation has a rather tranquil setting in its opening scene. A panning longshot of a serene English countryside immersed in soft light, brings sense of warmth and wistfulness. While the havoc of the Bennet’s estate is suspended, not being the opening scene as in the classic novel, we still see the much anticipated shambolic yet hearty appearance of the family home. Chadha also conveys thorough exemplification of the setting yet has an almost contrary appearance compared to that of Joe Wright’s. Chadha’s opening scene shows us

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