
Theme Of Naturalism In The Call Of The Wild

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Introduction- The author of The Call of the Wild, Jack London, heavily influenced the literary world with his inspirational works, specifically surrounding the theme of Naturalism. London followed the same theme, among others, in many of his works, focusing on how the environment affects its inhabitants and the details of the environment itself. The descriptions of nature London took the time to include in his books and the way they affect the story is what makes his works truly remarkable. He strongly committed himself to his works and put a great deal of effort into researching them to ensure accuracy. In The Call of the Wild, there are three main themes that are made evident: naturalism, coming of age, and loss of innocence. Naturalism is what London is most known for, and is shown through his attention to the surroundings of his characters. Coming of age was displayed through specific life changing events that altered Buck’s perspective. And finally, loss of innocence can be seen in the gradual, but sure decline of Buck’s morals.
Paragraph #1- Naturalism A major theme in many of London’s works was Naturalism, as seen in his books The Call of the Wild, White Fang, and others (insert). London emphasized nature’s beauty as well as harshness in his books, and the change in his descriptions of the surroundings was a very effective way of indirectly changing the mood and tone. This is particularly evident in The Call of the Wild where the dog Buck is taken from his warm

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