
Theme Of Pearl In The Scarlet Letter

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Throughout the story, Pearl acts both as the conscience of Hester, and the representation of wild innocence yet unmarred by sin and guilt; it is this dual nature that makes Pearl the most influential and important character in The Scarlet Letter, a classic novel by Nathaniel Hawthorne. The theme of the story is the same as Numbers 32:23 (“ sure your sin will find you out”) and Galatians 6:7 (“Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap...”), being that sin will always be discovered and that sin has consequences. Her discovery as the illegitimate child of Hester is what begins the story.
The Scarlet Letter begins as Hester is released from jail and led to the stockade, for the entire town to watch her for several hours, as a punishment for her adultery. Afterwards, she discovers her husband Chillingworth, who was missing, has returned once again; though he hides his identity as Hester’s wife from the rest of the town. He does this in order to be able to get close to Dimmesdale, the man he believes had an affair and child with Hester, so that he can get revenge on him. As the years pass, Dimmesdale becomes more and more sickly and stressed. Eventually, he has a meeting with Hester in the forest, in which they agree to leave for England. However just a few days later, Dimmesdale dies, but before he does he sits on the scaffold, and calls Hester and Pearl up with him. It is at this point that it is truly revealed to the town (but

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