
Theme Of Recklessness In Antigone

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The line between bravery and recklessness is very thin, and sometimes the two are indistinguishable; however, there are times when one becomes the other. Throughout the Greek tragedy Antigone, Sophocles portrays Antigone as a bold and fearless character. Even after her uncle Creon, the king, forbids the burial of her disgraced brother Polyneices, she defies his orders to follow the gods’ commands. When her act is discovered, she makes no effort to defend herself, and readily accepts her fate: a penalty of death. At the end, she hangs herself in her last act of defiance. Although Antigone is hailed as a tragic hero with honorable intentions, it is her own foolishness that caused her demise and others’ misfortune. While her intentions are courageous and noble, Antigone’s fatal flaw of recklessness ultimately leads her and the people around her to tragedy. When questioned about committing treason, Antigone’s lack of denial illustrates her rashness in decision-making, as she has nothing to gain from death. Instead of disclaiming the lowly guard’s words, she proudly states: “I say I did it and I don’t deny it” (Antigone 443). By admitting her role in the burial, Antigone seals her fate. Furthermore, the notion of her death does not faze her as she tells Creon: “I knew I must die - how could I not?” (460). Her acceptance of her death, while honorable, is unnecessary, because her objective of giving her fallen brother a respectful and honorable burial is already achieved. If she had not mentioned her role, there was a chance that she could have survived. In addition, Antigone does not even factor in the feelings of her sister Ismene and her fiancé Haemon, showing how inconsiderate she is of her impact on others. This irrational approach can only be described as foolishness; if she had been wiser, she would have buried her brother and survived to tell the tale. Her lack of judgement results in her downfall and the misery for those around her. Out of imprudence, Antigone does not realize the negative effects of antagonizing Creon. After being captured by the guard and brought to Creon, she reveals her intentions to Creon and even belittles him by indicating that his orders is not so strong that he, “a mortal man”,

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