
Theme Of Religion In Night By Elie Wiesel

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“Words of gratitude. First to our common Creator. This is what the Jewish tradition commands us to do,” said Elie Weisel during his “Nobel Peace Prize Acceptance Speech” in 1986. Here, Wiesel explains that religion is an incredibly important factor in his life. The concept of religion shows up numerous times throughout his novel, Night. Through the use of religion, Elie Wiesel shows how theme, symbols, and mood, change throughout the novel. The mood of the memoir is many times shown through religious aspects. Near the beginning of the book, Wiesel says, “The eight days of Passover. The weather is sublime...We drank, we ate, we sang. The Bible commands us to rejoice during the eight days of celebration, but our hearts were not in it”(Night 10). Passover represents “the calm before the storm” in this situation. Elie even shows that the weather is nice, symbolizing that everything is okay in that moment. The author also shares that “their hearts were not in it.” This shows the anxiety the eight days brought the community. While the prisoners are in Camp Buna they go through a selection process. This is when many people start to lose faith, and the mood becomes morbid, gloomy, and hopeless. Elie describes how a faithful rabbi lost hope in the camp,”One day he said to me: ‘It’s over. God is no longer with us… I suffer hell in my soul and my flesh. I also have eyes and I see what is being done here. Where is God’s mercy? Where’s God? How can I believe, how can anyone believe in this God of Mercy?’ “ The low spirit of the rabbi represents the depressing and hopeless mood in that chapter. At that point in the novel, many people in the camp utterly lost faith in God, and Elie shows this by telling the reader that even the most loyal person, the rabbi, lost hope. Many times people praise their god when things are well for them, and deny their god when life gets tough. This theme is represented many times throughout Night. When Elie arrives at Auschwitz, he is told that “There was a labor camp on the site. The conditions were good. Families would not be separated. Only the young would work in factories. The old and sick would find work in the fields.” Wiesel then says that “Confidence soared. Suddenly we felt free

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