
Theme Of Segregation In Of Mice And Men

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A novel by Steinbeck, Of Mice and Men proves that segregation was very common in the Great Depression. Crooks an coloured man , lives on his own, on a ranch because of discrimination. Very little does anyone talk to him, so that got him very lonely. Crooks is the loneliest guy on the ranch because rarely does anyone come to talk to him, and he tries as much as possible to avoid the, he is treated badly which makes him feel bad about himself, and he isolates himself because people think he doesn't exist or is a lower human being.

While reading the book, the feeling of Crooks being so lonely just because of his skin colour is really sad, because he might be a really nice person . Lennie was trying to get to know Crooks when “Crooks said sharply, …show more content…

Candy has“… been here a long time," he said. "An' Crooks been here a long time. This's the first time I ever been in his room."Crooks said darkly, "Guys don't come into a coloured man's room very much." (4-76&77). This proves that people never come into a man’s room, which means that Crooks is most probably alone all the time, while he most probably awaits his death. This reminds me of a movie that i watched before with my history teacher Mister Janes. The movie is about slaves riding on a boat during the triangle trade to get to the Americas. The coloured people couldn't communicate with the people around them because they all spoke different languages. This reminds me of Crooks because he is always alone, and the people around make him feel likes he speaks a different languages. Crooks tries so hard to fit in that he hesitated to tell Lennie "… If you … guys would want a hand to work for nothing—just his keep, why I'd come an' lend a hand. I ain't so crippled I can't work like a son-of-a-b**** if I want to." (4-88). Crooks is tired of being alone so he joins Lennie and George in the american dream so he can eventually have friends and people wont think of him as a lower class. The great depression as such a bad time for a lot of people, but not as much as the coloured

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