
Theme Of Survival In The Hunger Games

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Katniss Everdeen possesses the ability to defy the ageless law of nature that is the survival of the fittest, using her expertise, Katniss demonstrates that the fittest are those who have the sufficiency to adapt, the voice to embolden and the audacity to fight for what she believes she must do. The concept of survival essentially is to continue to live in spite of an ordeal or being placed in difficult circumstances. The theory of survival is portrayed through the book The Hunger Games, directly shown through Katniss Everdeen. Katniss minimised the apprehension in district 12 by giving them hope, something that came rarely to such a poor district. The fittest aren’t always the ones who can run the fastest.

Acquiring the ability to adapt is one of the most vital attributes to surviving in an altered environment. Katniss effectively shows how she has the dexterity to adapt in her home, district 12. District 12 is one of the troublesome places to live, especially where Katniss does, the ‘Seam’ as they have named it. As Katniss is only a sixteen year old girl, she shows her desperation for help after her father was killed in a mining accident. She then must look after her family, as Prim was too young and their mother was slowly spiraling into depression. At this point, Katniss was only eleven years old and began hunting, gathering, cooking, cleaning, selling and …show more content…

She is able to effectively show how she can adapt, inspire people through her actions and display courage when needed; and by no means is she the fastest or strongest yet she is the most willing to survive her ordeal. In saying that, i believe that Katniss convinces us that the law of nature that is the survival of the fittest, is most certainly not always the case. Overall, the fittest aren’t the ones who can run the

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