
Theme Of Tzippy The Thief

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The Importance Of Appreciating What You Have
There are many people who take things for granted, and they do not realize the importance of what they have until it is gone from their lives. Tzippy is a character in a novel who is an example of this truth. Thus, tThe theme of Tzippy The Thief by author Patricia Striar Rohner is, “Appreciate what you have before it's gone”, as demonstrated by the way Tzippy regrets that she did not appreciate the good relationship she had with her daughter, how she regrets not appreciating Ben when he was alive, and at the end of the book when she realizes that if she doesn't appreciate what she has, it would become a future regret when it's gone. Tzippy never appreciated the strong bond she had with Shari, and lost it by always deprecating her. Tzippy wants to fix their relationship by apologizing and trying to make up for past events. Tzippy asks Shari for forgiveness saying, “I’m sorry I treated you ungratefully, but I hope we can forget the past and start new” (Rohner 258). Tzippy hopes Shari will give her a second chance to show she has changed and is no longer the unappreciative mother Shari remembers. Tzippy wants to make up for being unsupportive when Shari iswas struggling with anorexia by taking Shari to community meetings, and tells Shari “We could still go, it’s not too late” (Rohner 304). Tzippy tried to make up for what she should have done in the past to show what Shari means to her now. If Tzippy showed appreciation towards

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