
Themes In A River Runs Through It

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A River Runs through It, by Norman Maclean,is a story about a family of a Minister father, a mother and their two sons living in a small town in Montana. The film begins with the narrator Norman, the older brother of the two explaining how his father had asked him to write their family story. As the film continues it becomes clear how different the brothers become. In A River Runs Through It brothers, Norman and Paul are very different; Paul tends to act before thinking while Norman on the other hand, tends to think about his every move with precision, Paul became a reporter while Norman became a professor and poet, Paul is more attracted to Fly Fishing and Norman is more drawn to his religion. One of the main differences between Paul and Norman is their thinking; Paul tends to act without thinking,. Paul is more likely to physically fight someone who he disagrees with, he acts with his heart not his mind. Paul will fight for the people he cares about with no hesitation, when he and Maybelle were on a date together and someone made a disrespectful comment to Maybelle and did not treat her with the same respect that was given to the brothers and Jessie. He defended Maybelle to the point he was arrested, and was put in jail for Norman to pick him up. Paul knew without a fight that he was tougher than anyone alive. Norman on the other hand, tends to think about his every move with great detail, in a situation Norman would rather defend himself with his words rather than

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