
Themes In Oedipus Rex Vs. The Kite Runner

Decent Essays

aley Campbell
While reading both the play Oedipus Rex, and the book The Kite Runner. I have found a great variety of themes that they both share. I have also found many that they have that are different from each other. Both the book, and the play have a similar plot twist lay out that circles around the two major themes I found. Out of all the themes I have found and analyzed between both the literary works. They both share two of the same major themes that shape the main events leading up to the plot twist, the climax. These themes are father to son relationship, and the need for redemption. In both The Kite Runner, and Oedipus Rex their two themes interlock with each other. Both of the author’s have very similar treatments of the same two themes. They show that without a good father to son relationship. It is hard for a boy to learn from his mistakes, and correct them without a father figure. Without a father figure it is hard for a boy to understand what is right from wrong. A son needs his father to show him the ways of life that are very important for his growth and development. They also show that the need for redemption can destroy you. The need for redemption can either destroy you or it can set you free. Redemption can save you from the guilt inside. The key to being free from guilt is to find your way to redemption. Without redemption oneself will be trapped with the horrible guilt that they feel. One will not be able to look forward on to the future and move

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