
Themes In The House On Mango Street

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Journal 5
In the novel, the House on Mango Street, Esperanza constantly thinks about her dream of success and leaving Mango Street. The unfortunate situations and circumstances of those who live in her neighborhood increase her strive for this future. For instance, she doesn’t want to chose marriage as an easy way out of the neighborhood, like what most women on Mango Street choose to do. Moreover, she wants to obtain success and independence from the neighborhood on her own. Through her writing and education, she defies the typical fate most of the people in the neighborhood end up with. Cisneros uses the thematic idea of dreaming to reveal the theme that a person may have to contain the initiative to take a more challenging path to obtain success.
In the novel, people tend to rely on chance and luck to change their fate rather than taking action to improve their circumstances. For example, Esperanza’s mother claims that “[w]hen [they] win the lottery” (86), they can buy “a house on the hills” (86). Waiting to win a lottery is impractical and Esperanza realizes this because she’s “tired of looking at what [they] can’t have.” (86). Consequently, Esperanza becomes even more determined to “own [her] own house.” (87). Esperanza knows that she has to work to get the house, not wait on lotteries, which are unreliable. Another example of people’s dependency on chance to improve their situation would be Marin. Marin waits “for a car to stop, a star to fall, someone to change her

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