
Theodicy in John Milton's Paradise Lost

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John Milton's theodicy in Paradise Lost is an attempt to justify the ways of God to men. Many ask how God could let someone as innocent as a child die in a horrible way. How could a God that is all loving and all powerful let something like that happen? He answers this using the fall of Mankind as the trigger point. Cordelia Zukerman and Thomas H. Luxon, "The dominance of these themes comes from the fact that Milton is writing about the first humans on earth, humans who have no history and no way of knowing the world except through God's inspiration." (Zukerman, Luxon). He explains by utilizing three parts as his structure: Before humans, during Eden and after the Fall. Thus the explanation in this essay will be two-fold; the first section dedicated a summary of previously stated three points and the second section a critique of said theodicy. Key Elements Before the time of the humans was the original fall, that of Satan (or his angelic name, Lucifer). This was the fall because of Pride. Lucifer was a prized top rank angel who became jealous of God's son, Jesus, and decided that he didn't want to serve in Heaven any longer. Upon deciding this, he recruited one third of the angels within Heaven to battle against God using, as Milton describes, "His name, and high was his degree in Heav'n" (Milton, Book five, page 128, line 707). Lucifer then erects his own throne and God matches his army’s number to do battle. Lucifer's army is ultimately wounded by Michael and

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