
Theoretical Cause Of Crime

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A thorough understanding of the many theories of criminology is the grounding of knowledge to any criminal justice practitioner or policy maker. Policy makers can utilize the theoretical understanding to design policies that not only address remedies to the current crime problem, but also find the underlying cause of crime to further deter it. Criminal justice practitioners can use criminological theories to address the cause of crime and offer a rehabilitative fix, rather than simply incarcerate offenders.
Four theoretical aspects that any criminal theory must incorporate to be a true theory of crime are correlation, theoretical rationale, time sequence, and an absence of spuriousness (Akers & Sellers, 2013). Correlation must do with how the theoretical cause of crime leads to the commission of crime. Theoretical rationale explains why the theoretical origin of crime causes the crime. The time sequence must show that the theoretical cause of crime always precedes the crime. The final aspect, the absence of spuriousness, rules out other causes for the crime as the real explanation of crime. (Akers & Sellers, 2013).
A major challenge that faces the criminal justice field today are youth gangs. Strain Theory is perhaps the best theoretical explanation of juvenile gang criminal activity. Agnew clarified strain as the “relationships in which others are not treating the individual as he or she would like to be treated.” (Tibbetts, 2015). Though this is the original definition,

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