
Theories Of Suicide

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Understanding the Suicide Process Key Theories: Durkheim’s social fact, mechanical and organic solidarity, anomie suicide, Marx’s alienation of labor, and Weber’s class struggles Introduction Life is riddled with the questions “why?” and “how?” when something catastrophic, puzzling, unnatural, or curious occurs to break our social norms. Humans are naturally curious about disturbances. Not surprisingly, psychologists, social workers, and government agencies are interested in the extremely high suicide rates in Greenland that have historically annihilated entire generations in the span of a few weeks or months at a time. Understanding the root causes and theories of these suicides is imperative to the prevention of future deaths in these isolated communities. By evaluating the suicidal phenomena from a classical theoretical perspective, we hope to …show more content…

Immediately, “there was a culture clash” (Hersher 2016) and the Inuit people were put down because of their different habits, social norms, customs, and language. The class struggles are a perfect example of Weber’s class, status, and party theory that analyze the root of conflict and power. Class is considered the foundation of social influence and power out of the three basic categories: class, status, and power. Without class, a person’s social status means nothing and thus no political power can be accumulated to benefit their needs (Weber 2016). By being the inferior cultural group, the Inuit people were perceived as a disruption in the current system and had no influence in the Danish government to change their circumstances. Unless the Inuit people learned to speak Danish and assimilate into the new culture, they were isolated from the rest of society (Hersher 2016) creating a class struggle among the

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