
Theory Toolbox Theory

Decent Essays

What does it mean to be an American? The answer to this question can be very different for each person. Being an American can be based on the American dream, which can also have unique meaning, or it can be based on one key principle or moral. Many people have answered this question already and each answer is likely unique or separate, based off of their own experiences and morals. Given the question, I would respond with the following. Being an American means protecting our country and protecting others, and accepting people into our society like the melting pot we originally were. It means having freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and freedom to be who you want to be, regardless of race, sexual orientation, gender, or religion. It means …show more content…

People of color, women, and LGBT people are not treated equally, even if it seems like they are on the surface. I think the road to the American Dream lies in equality for all, however, it is a very long and very difficult road that will not end until after I am long gone.

The Theory Toolbox has many concepts that we will now explore in relation to the question. The first concept, essentially “Why Theory”, explains how there are so many theories in the world, and that nothing is ever done about it. Theories do help us ask questions about how things work, and how they could work differently. The Theory Toolbox also poses a question that sets up the rest of the book. It asks “What can you do with theory?” (7). This question helps to understand that thinking something is wrong with the way Americans do things, is not the same as doing something about it. If one has a theory that people are not treated equally, then instead of just arguing and theorizing about it, something should be done. This chapter also sets up the concept that everything should be questioned. This leads into the next chapter, introducing author vs authority, which explores the concept of what an …show more content…

In the poem, he introduces his theory that the American dream never even applied to him. He points out that the American dream was a dream for all white people, and that their dream was false equality. They wanted freedom, but only in theory and only for themselves. A quote from the poem exemplifies this: “But opportunity is real, and life is free, Equality is in the air we breathe. (There's never been equality for me, Nor freedom in this "homeland of the free.")” The parentheses are the author speaking in response to the dream of the white people. He is trying to make a point that while they said that their dream was equality, he never had any equality, and that he hadn’t experienced anything even close. He also shows some scorn here in the quotations “homeland of the free”. I think this does not, however negate his good intentions. As he says later in the poem, he is going to try to work hard to make America something it never was: equal. “The land that's mine — the poor man's, Indian's, Negro's, ME —Who made America, Whose sweat and blood, whose faith and pain, Whose hand at the foundry, whose plow in the rain, Must bring back our mighty dream again.” I think the point of this poem is to inspire others to think about what is going on in the world, and continue to question everything, as The Theory Toolbox says is so

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