
Thesis Of Island Hopping

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Island Hopping Jalen Payton Mr. Jared Davis English III 17 October 2017 Outline Thesis Statement: Island hopping, a strategy developed by Douglas MacArthur, was one of the most effective ways America won the Pacific War. Introduction The Start of the Pacific War Pearl Harbor to the Philippines MacArthur’s Retreat II. The Meeting with MacArthur, Nimitz, and Roosevelt The Strategy Forms MacArthur’s Plan and Invasion III. The Captures Rabaul Island, Solomon Islands, Manila Iwo Jima IV. Aftermath The Hole It Opened Victory Conclusion Island Hopping On December 7, 1941, Japanese airplanes filled with bombs attacked an American military base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. In January of 1942, Japan began to invade the Burma, New Guinea, Manila, The Solomon Islands, and more territories in the Philippines. In March 1942, Japan began to claim the Philippines, a territory claimed by the United States. Douglas MacArthur, an allied commander who controlled the Philippines, was forced to retreat due to the Japanese invading and taking control over the Philippines. Years later, MacArthur, Chester Nimitz, and US President Franklin D. Roosevelt met in Honolulu, Hawaii for a conference to discuss plans on how to defeat Japan. They came up with an idea formed by MacArthur, which was “Island Hopping”. Island Hopping, a strategy developed by Douglas MacArthur, was one of the most effective ways the Allies won the Pacific War. On the morning of December 7, 1941, naval

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