
Thesis Statement For The Story Of An Hour

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The short piece by Kate Chopin, ‘The Story of an Hour’, is about a sickly wife who finds out the news of her husband’s death, which seem to make her happy that she is liberated from the husband’s controlling ways, even though she is supposed to be really sad and in grief. The story is about a protagonist, who undergoes certain changes throughout the story’s continuity. The irony of the story is how the author ends the book. We expect that since the woman, Mrs. Mallard is supposed to be happy all through, the twist with which the book ends with is that of her dying. Her happiness killed her. This essay will seek to literary analyze the story, and highlight the main events in it. This story is considered a feminist fiction, and the discussion will tend to support this thesis statement, and show that it is indeed a feminist fiction. The story is about how an event occurred, challenging and seeming to overcome sexism, through Mrs. Mallard after the death of her husband.

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Mallard has a heart condition, which makes it very hard to anyone to break to her the sad news of the death of her husband in the beginning. Everyone treats her cautiously and with care, and they tiptoe around the issue of the death of her husband. When her sister and close family get the news that Mr. Mallard had died in an accident, they take time and gently break the news to her, fearing that any carelessness could be fatal to her due to the heart condition she suffered from. She weeps and cries, then goes ahead to lock herself up in her room. She seems terrified and in awe about something that is about to come to her, which is her freedom. In spite of all the love they had for one other, and is sad that her husband is now dead, she is excited about the news that she will be free for the first time to do whatever she wanted. Instead of dreading the days ahead without her husband, she looks forward to them (Friedman,

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