
Things Fall Apart Reflection

Decent Essays

Our protagonist is Maya, an Ethiopian girl who is seventeen years old. Her mom passed away when she was eight years old, and her father is a successful business owner who she has a strong relationship with. Her father remarried when Maya was twelve and her stepmom has two sons and two daughters of her own. At the beginning of their journey, as legal-immigrants from Ethiopia, Maya and her family are stepping off the plane in Dallas, Texas. Soon after they get settled, Maya gets placed into an eleventh grade classroom at Centennial High School. Maya comes into the school year when her english class is analyzing the book Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe. Throughout the unit, Maya realizes her classmates and teachers level of ignorance about various African cultures. In class, Maya expresses her thoughts on how the Western culture views what she has grown to be accustomed to, as something that is misguided. They view it as such, simply because it is not similar to their own culture. Furthermore, as time progresses, she sees her dad, a previously successful business owner, struggling to make ends meet in the land of endless opportunities. Maya has always had a passion for writing, and as the school year progresses, her english teacher, Mrs. Madison recognizes her talent as a young writer. Mrs. Madison takes on the role as Maya’s mentor. She encourages Maya to pursue higher education in order to successfully become a journalist who sheds a light on the topic of immigration.

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