
Things They Carry By Tim O Brien: An Analysis

Satisfactory Essays

The reason it is so difficult to “tell a true war story” is because many times it is coming from somebody that didn’t experience it first hand. We have had many wars but in recent times the ones that come to mind are WWII and Vietnam. Both of these wars happened well before my time, which it is why it is so difficult to express it to people who didn't experience it. What separates the good stories from the bad isn’t the experience that the writer had, it is their ability to accurately portray what life was like during that war. Everyone knows there was a lot of killing and horror in war, but it is the writer's ability to use their imagination to give more to the story than just war. The Things They Carry is a phenomenal war book because it adds much more than just war. It uses the stories told by fictional character Tim O’Brien, to show more about the feelings and fear that the soldiers felt. O’Brien includes fictional stories about a …show more content…

This is a good way of showing what war was like because he is able to show it from the first person perspective. Seeing through the eyes of O’Brien as he explains his stories. This helps intrigue the reader because it is much easier to put yourself into the book, and use your own imagination to create the scene around you. This also helps O’Brien because he is able to not hold back from the true horror of what was experienced. A war story has to show the real-grotesque horrors that were experienced, and having it from his own perspective, he is able to tell those horrible stories and help the reader connect to the reality of war. Through these stories and horrors he is able to reach the overarching goal which is to express more than just the war. He is able to express the feelings of the soldiers to the reader which is the best way to show the real story of the

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