
Things You Need To Know For Giving Your Dog Happy Feet

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Things You Need to Know for Giving Your Dog Happy Feet

As dog owners, we want to do what we can to ensure our dogs feel loved. A major portion of their care is grooming. Personally, my dog goes to the groomer only a couple of times a year and I do upkeep the remainder of the time.
Since I’ve begun completing a great deal myself, I’ve discovered a few things that didn’t previously come to mind, including caring for my dog’s feet. I have to be honest, in the past, I trimmed her nails, but other than that, I didn’t think much about it. Nevertheless, there is much more to it than that.
The best approach is to think about your own feet. Generally, anything that affects our own feet, can similarly affect our dog’s feet.
When holding my dog one …show more content…

When you hear his nails making a clicking sound when he walks across the floor, they are too long.

Things You Can Do
There are numerous things you can do to prevent your dog’s pain and provide relief for his aching feet. If the area where you walk your dog has scorching sidewalks and streets, attempt to avoid them and stay on grassy areas as much as possible.
If their feet do become dry and cracked, purchase lotion formulated for dogs and rub it on his pads. Do not use human lotion. Give him a gentle foot rub while you’re at it. Who doesn’t love a foot rub.
In the winter, thoroughly cleanse his feet after returning home to remove any salt or chemicals.
Another approach to preventing burns is by using doggy shoes or socks; although, good luck with that. My dog isn’t having any part of that; however, some dogs don’t object. Shoes and booties exist that are created especially for dog’s feet and it’s absolutely adorable as well.
If your dog is like mine and there’s no chance they’re wearing shoes, you may be forced to go to a park or grassy area in your neighborhood when going for a long walk.
If that’s not an option, take brief walks purely for potty break purposes and find other methods of exercising him indoors until the weather slacks up.
Check between your dog’s toes and foot pads consistently to locate and remove any foreign objects or excess hair. Gently comb the hair out, away

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