
Thirteen Days Literary Analysis

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Comparing Genres When it comes to describing such complex events as the Kennedy administration, one cannot understand the full picture through merely one work. By combining different works of both fact and fiction, alongside motion pictures, one can begin to gain a more thorough interpretation of JFK’s presidency. Investigating Garry Wills’s The Kennedy Imprisonment alongside James Ellroy’s American Tabloid, one can develop a clearer picture of how the Kennedy administration functioned. The film Thirteen Days by Roger Donaldson brings to life how these two works depict the loyalty that ran throughout the Kennedy regime. The Kennedy’s had a very magnetic nature about them and made people crave to work for them. Aside from the magnetic pull …show more content…

Throughout the Kennedy administration there was one common theme: loyalty. Thirteen Days helps bring to life this idea of loyalty that is described in Wills biography. Wills describes the Kennedy administration as working “in tight family orbits, ringed about with powerful satellites, to create a filed of influence very gravitating” (Wills 89). The Kennedy administration is known for being a tight circle of trusted advisors and Wills attempts to depict how the Kennedy administration would attract those who vowed their utmost loyalty. This concept is further developed in Thirteen Days, when assistant O’Donnell and is heard talking to an associate and states, “it’s the only word in politics, its called loyalty” (Donaldson). The loyalty demanded by those in the Kennedy administration is also shown when McNamara condemns an admiral and proclaims, “ You don’t understand a thing. This is a new language, a new vocabulary, and the likes of which the world has never seen. This is President Kennedy” (Donaldson). The film even shows the loyalty of those not directly working for JFK when an air pilot lies about the shots he took saying, “Those are bird strikes, it’s the way it is, guys”, after being told to never admit he took fire per the request of President Kennedy (Donaldson). Watching the film, one gains a better understanding of the “tight family orbits” that Wills mentions in his biography. Those surrounding JFK go to great lengths to protect his reputation and carry out his intents. Kennedy was the youngest president to be elected to office, but he was able to succeed due to his “gravitating” nature and the loyal staff seen in both Donaldson and Wills’

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