
Thomas Aquinas Five Proofs For God's Existence

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Thomas Aquinas offered 5 proofs for God’s existence (Aquinas' Five Ways, 2009). In Aquinas’ time, his works were considered very controversial and included some that were condemned as heretical by the bishop of Paris (Archie, 2006). Since then, Aquinas has come to be regarded as the greatest theologian and philosopher in the Church’s history (Archie, 2006). Further supporting Aquinas’ proof, many find Creative Evolution attractive (Lewis, 2014). This gives a person much of the emotional comfort of believing in God, and none of the less pleasant consequences (Lewis, 2014).

The Aristotelian Background includes the argument for the existence of God from the nature of efficient cause (Aquinas' Five Ways, 2009). Within this argument lies the key premise that Aquinas’ idea is that nothing can be the efficient cause of itself or own existence (Aquinas' Five Ways, 2009)., that nothing can be the cause of its own existence, which Aquinas expresses the chain of causes of things which come into existence cannot be infinite (Aquinas' Five Ways, 2009). Therefore, God is the first cause because nothing can be the cause of its own existence, or be responsible for its own existence (Archie, 2006). …show more content…

Moreover, the cause of the existence of things, which was not itself caused to exist, justifies the existence of God (Aquinas' Five Ways, 2009). Finally, Aquinas makes the assertion, in which I agree, “To take away the cause is to take away the effect”, holding for an infinite regress of causes since there is no cause taken away (Archie,

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