
Thomas Jefferson Declaration Of Independence Analysis

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(A critic and political analysis of Thomas Jefferson’s Declaration of Independence) Jefferson loved books and more especially classical ones” (Beran). Journalist and lawyer, Michael Beran, makes a clear reference to Thomas Jefferson, and his love of books. Books are what educated Jefferson and pushed him to become the great educated man the world knows today. Jefferson was born April 13th, 1743, during a time when to be educated, ment a person could comprehend the great classical books of human history. Jefferson understood the knowledge presented to him through classical books, and other documents, which in turn aided to his ability to be a strong political leader in a growing revolution. Jefferson lived …show more content…

After the success of the revolution, Jefferson, became his country's third ever President. However fascinating this may seem, it is not what Jefferson is most remembered for; instead it is his writing of one of mankind’s greatest works of literature and persuasion, The Declaration of Independence (Dec). Thomas Jefferson, along with four other men, wrote the United States, declaration for independence. This infamous document’s purpose was to establish the colonies just reasons for independence, and potentially show foriegn countries, such as Spain and France, that colonies were prepared to win their independence, and govern themselves responsibly. In the end, (Dec.) served its purpose, and showed the colonies were ready to fight the despotism of Great Britain, and upon succeeding, could adequately govern themselves. The success of (Dec.) is surprising due to the fact it is simply words; however they are very well thought out. The reason (Dec.) is able to succeed, is due to three major uses of persuasive technique found throughout Jefferson’s document; Jefferson’s ability to account for an acrimonious audience; Jefferson’s ability to consider the historical president; and …show more content…

A historical precedent is research, research of two, or more sides of an argument, or ideology through time, particularly the past. Jefferson does his research and can see both sides of the argument he is ensuing, in and explains it thoroughly in (Dec.). Jefferson explains, “When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands, which have connected them to another… a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation” (Jefferson pg. 112, Lines 1-2,4-6). In this excerpt from the text Jefferson clearly explains the historical side of his argument as well as the historical side of the opposing audience. For Jefferson’s argument for independence, he explains that in human history, it has been done before, where a people separated politically from other people; in part because of its necessity. To the opposing argument Jefferson, explains that for a people to do this they must explain their reasoning and have it be just causes for separation, like it is has happened in histories past. Jefferson's ability to consider the historical president of the situation helps to show his audience a more perspective view of his argument and leads to the success of (Dec.). In today's world the

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