
Thomas More 's Utopia?

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Thomas More’s Utopia By: Jocelyn Torres English 2322 12 October 2017

Jocelyn Torres English 2322 12 October 2017 Thomas More’s Utopia Over the past few centuries the word Utopia has developed a variety of …show more content…

Afterwards his sense of serving the country overcame the option of being a monk so he entered parliament. Although More 's interest was in civic duty he still could not give up in his Interest in the literary world. It is believed that around 1513 and 1516 More wrote the History of King Richard III. Theirs writings are considered to be the one of the first Masterpiece of English Historiography. In 1516 Thomas More 's wrote the famous books of Utopia. This piece of work was more than just a book it was a freedom of speech diary almost alike where he could say what he felt only using characters and not getting himself caught. The time period while Utopia was written was around the ruling of King Henry VIII. King Henry VIII was from the religion of Catholicism but decide to change himself and the kingdom into reform protestant after a divorced with his current wife was denied by the Roman Catholic Pope. Henry wanted to divorce his wife because he wanted a son and she couldn 't give him one. He wanted to get married again so he could have a son that he ended up getting married 6 times. At last henry had a son which was named Edward VI who later died at the age of 15. In 1520 ,Thomas More became King Henry VIII chancellor but in February 1534 more was accused of treason against his country and was ordered by King Henry VIII to be beheaded. Thomas More was canonized by the Catholic Church in 1935

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