
Thomas Wolff Thoreau Dialectical Journal

Decent Essays

1) Mr. Thoreau seems to be self-contained and calm 2) “I have never declined paying the highway tax, because I am as desirous of being a good neighbor as I am of being a bad subject, and, as for supporting schools, I am doing my part to educate my fellow countrymen now.” (Paragraph 37) He makes clear the ways in which he wants to support the state and his fellow countrymen. “If a plant cannot live according to its nature, it dies, and so a man.” I think he is comparing how a plant and a man live and it is one type of an analogy. 3) “If the injustice is part of the necessary friction of the machine of government, let it go, let it go; perchance it will wear smooth, certainly the machine will wear out”(Paragraph 19) Mr. Thoreau referring “machine” …show more content…

Eavan Boland, “It’s A Woman’s World” 1) She does physical housework. “but we’re the same”(Page 8) she believes women's role in the world is to take care of children and cleaning the house thought to be less significant than world events. 2) Speaker makes herself believable by sounding educated about the past “so when the king’s head gored its basket, grim harvest, we were gristing bread.”(Page 29-32) It is important that she uses first-person plural; because it makes her involved with what she is describing but not alone. 3) Mrs. Boland specifies “oversights” such as “washing powder” and forgetting to dry the laundry and they contribute to the meaning of the poem and to the attitude of the speaker toward her woman’s role. 4) In lines 21-22 and line 54, she refers to star-gazers and fire-eaters twice; where repetition helps reinforce the speaker’s purpose or create an …show more content…

3) A syllogistic reasoning for this is; When you procrastinate you get stressed. The student procrastinated. Therefore he is stressed. Activity 3(pp. 137-38): Part I) Morrison uses a lot of details to describe a place formerly known as "The Bottom." Because of this the reader can really understand how much this place must have meant to her. The details make "The Bottom" seem much more personal, so it's easier for readers to relate to the writer's connection with such a special place. The tone is formal and serious as Morrison recalls past memories and events, but it also seems angry and frustrated. Her statement of, "a steel ball will knock to dust Irene's Palace of Cosmetology ..." is ironic. Part II) The writer's aim is to inform the unknowing of how her old town, full of history and memories, was torn down for a golf course. I think she's trying to say that people are becoming too obsessed with material things. The writer is trying to get across that may be destroying a place with so many memories of so many individuals and families is not a good

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