
To Begin, Aristotle And Kant’S Distinction Regarding The

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To begin, Aristotle and Kant’s distinction regarding the source of virtuous or dutiful action is primarily focused on the assertion of how to act in accordance of the moral law. Aristotle believes “that every action or pursuit aims at a good” (NE, Pg. 24), but their disagreement being as to what the good is. Aristotle believes “that right action is not only morally correct but also occurs with pleasure, and that the pleasure is a sign that the virtuous disposition has been acquired” (NE, Pg.5). On the other hand, Kant believes “that every action or pursuit must be done out of duty, which reflects one’s respect for the moral law” (Lecture 13, Slide 13). The end result of this action is not significant for Kant. This inference leads Kant to …show more content…

Now, to be virtuous we must act in accordance with correct reason. This is a common principle meaning that it applies to everyone. “In addition to that, we must understand that the nature of things to be destroyed by defect and excess” (NE, Pg. 25). For instance, with the virtue of courage, if we are ‘too courageous’ we’re deemed as rash and if we act in way that is not courageous at all, were deemed as cowardice. For Aristotle, being moral is exhibited by being temperate. “The one who obtains pleasure from their actions and follows the right rule, and delights in the very fact is temperate; if one seeks pleasure and ignores the rule, they are self-indulgent; and the one who stands their ground against things that are terrible as if they didn 't care is insensible” (NE, Pg. 25). In this instance, temperance is the middle between the two extremes. “It is for that reason by abstaining from pleasures just because it is a pleasure, we become temperate and it is when we have become so, and developed the habit, that we are most able to refrain from them” (NE, Pg.25). With temperance we act rationally: we take pleasure in the action, allowing us to seek out the highest virtue, the highest virtue being happiness. In the end we act the right way and enjoy doing so, “pleasure in doing virtuous acts is a sign that the virtuous disposition has been

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